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Minimum requirements

2023-07-28 by Studioshare_Admin

Age: Renters must usually be at least 18 years old. Some hosts may have a higher age requirement for liability and contractual reasons.

Identification: Renters must provide a valid form of identification, such as a government-issued ID, to verify their identity.

Purpose of use: The owner/host or StudioShare may ask about the purpose of renting the studio. For example, they might want to know if it’s for music recording, podcast recording, band rehearsals, or other creative activities.

Experience: Some studio owners may prefer tenants who have some level of experience using recording equipment or relevant skills to ensure safe and proper use of the studio.

References or reviews: In some cases, owners may ask for references or look for reviews from previous studio rentals to assess the reliability and responsibility of the tenant. (StudioShare performs extensive screening/verification to ensure the safety of both parties)

Payment and deposit: Tenants are generally required to pay for the rental period in advance or in accordance with the agreed terms. In addition, a security deposit may be required to cover any damage to the studio or equipment during the rental.

Respect for Rules and Equipment: Tenants should be willing to follow any rules or guidelines established by the studio owner and treat the equipment with care and respect.

Insurance: Depending on the studio and its equipment, renters may be required to show proof of insurance or agree to be responsible for any damage they may cause.

Cancellation policy: Renters should be aware of the cancellation policy established by the owner or the platform and agree to comply with it.

Agreement Signing: Tenants may be required to sign a formal rental agreement that outlines the terms of the rental, including responsibilities, rules of use, and other important details.

Download the terms and conditions here