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Category Archives: Studio Equipment

Top 8 Reasons to Use a Professional Recording Studio
Top 8 Reasons to Use a Profe...
  Thanks to technological advancements, we’ve become accustomed to a wide range of ways to record our musical ideas. Many years ago, composers, arrangers, and ...
Jan 29, 2024 , 0
Your first session recording in a studio: 6 essential tips for success
Your first session recording...
Nothing can really prepare you for the thrill of recording a piece of music for the first time in the studio… except this! Preparation is ...
Sep 22, 2023 , 0
Why StudioShare?
Why StudioShare?
Sweden’s first and largest rental platform for music, podcast studios and rehearsal spaces Welcome to StudioShare, the premier rental platform for musicians and podcasters looking ...
Sep 09, 2023 , 0
Förordningar och standarder
Förordningar och standarder
Regler och standarder för värdar som hyr ut inspelningsstudior, repetitionsstudior och podcastingstudior på StudioShare Som värd som hyr ut inspelningsstudior, repetitionsstudior och podcastingstudior på StudioShare ...
Jun 14, 2023 , 0